Diagnosing and Maintaining Automatic Locking Hubs on Four-wheel Drive Vehicles

Automatic locking hubs are one of the most important features on four-wheel drive vehicles. Their job is to release the front wheels when you don't need the four-wheel drive system. Several benefits come with the action of the automatic locking hubs. First, releasing the front wheels when the vehicle doesn't need to be in four-wheel drive reduces wear and tear of the four-wheel-drive components. Secondly, you also get to save lots of fuel over long distances because the drivetrain demands less power from the engine.

How to Tell Your Wheel Bearings Need Service

Although your car may not typically run inaudibly, you should be aware of what sounds normal and what would be abnormal. If you have had an accident and find there is a significant increase in unusual noises coupled with other types of car trouble, one of the underlying issues would be damaged wheel bearings. So what are some of the warnings that you should look out for that would be indicative of malfunctioning wheel bearings?

3 Tips on Keeping Your Car Servicing Costs Down

Think it's time to ditch the ride-hailing service for a personal car? If you're contemplating getting yourself a new set of wheels, you need to keep in mind that every motor vehicle requires fuel, regular maintenance and prompt repairs to keep running well. These car operating costs vary from vehicle to vehicle, depending on mileage or number of hours spent on the road.  Here's a three-pronged strategy to help you minimise the cost of servicing your new car.

How to Tell If You Have a Faulty Torque Converter

Did you choose a car fitted with an automatic gearbox so that you wouldn't have to worry about any transmission issues? If you did, you will be less than happy now that there is clearly something wrong, but you're not able to put your finger on it. You may know that this system is very complex, but one of the most crucial components is the torque converter. As this can often be at the root of a transmission evil, what type of symptoms should you expect?

Why Your Car Is Overheating

It's never good to operate a car when it's running too hot, as excessive heat means added wear and tear on the engine, which might actually seize up from overheating. That excess heat can also cause engine oil, transmission fluid and other fluids to break down, so that they are not lubricating the vehicle's parts as they should. This, too, means more corrosion and wear on all those parts, so that they soon need repair or replacement.