5 Ways to Extend the Life of Your Clutch

The clutch on your car is subject to intense pressure and friction, so it isn't a surprise that it will eventually wear out and need replacing. However, there are driving techniques you can adopt which can help to extend the life of your clutch. Below are 5 things you can do to help your clutch last as long as possible.

Use Your Handbrake

When you are parking your car, you should use the handbrake to stop the car from moving. Some drivers leave the car in gear and allow the engine to act as a brake. However, even though the engine is not in use and you don't have your foot on the clutch pedal, using your gears as brakes adds additional pressure on the clutch disc, which can shorten its lifespan.

Put Your Car in Neutral When Stationary

When you are stationary at junctions or traffic lights, you should put the car into neutral, release the clutch pedal and engage the handbrake. While leaving the car in first gear with the clutch depressed might allow you to get away a little faster when you move again, it will place pressure on the clutch and increase the amount of wear and tear.

Avoid Riding the Clutch

Riding the clutch refers to when a driver keeps their foot pressed on the clutch pedal when they are not changing gear. While this might not seem like a big deal, it can greatly increase the amount of wear and tear your clutch experiences. When the clutch is partially depressed the pressure pad comes into contact with the clutch plate, this creates increased friction. You should keep your foot away from the clutch pedal unless you are changing gear.

Practice Efficient Gear Changing

You should read the road ahead as you drive and plan when you need to change gears. This will allow you to avoid having to change gear more often than you need to. Every unnecessary gear change will shorten the life of your clutch.

Change Gear Quickly

When you have decided to change gear you should do so as quickly as possible. The longer you keep the clutch pedal depressed, the greater the amount of pressure you are applying to the clutch. Although you might not think that an extra second or two will make much difference, over time these seconds will quickly add up to a lot of extra stress and strain on your clutch.

If you have any concerns about the condition of your clutch you should have it taken for clutch repairs and serviced by a qualified mechanic.
